Detroit出身のSTRAIGHT EDGE / HARDCORE バンド、xTYRANTx のTシャツです。サイズは、Lになります目立つ大きなシミ等はございませんが、古着になりますので経年劣化によるダメージ等がある場合があります。ご理解の上、ご購入お願いします。Notes:Im a capitalist. Hahaha. If you find a valuable thing in my selling items, please buy it!Basically I dont wanna discount my stuff because Im not a saint. This is a business, not a charity auction. And these prices are my value. If you wanna find a bigger discount, please search for them on a website and buy them from there! If you cant find them anywhere else, then you can buy them from me. STRAIGHT EDGEYOUTH CREWSXENEW YORK HARDCORENYHCHARDCOREハードコアMETALCORE BEATDOWN MOSHCORE